“The Lord is long suffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the third and fourth generation.“ Numbers 14:18
Although God is loving and merciful He cannot force us against our own wills and change the outcomes of our own poor decisions. It is because of our own choices that bad habits and toxic behaviors are passed down from us to our children.
Many times if we would just take a good look, we would see that many of our unhealthy behaviors didn’t just start with us but they were already there with our parents and even with our grandparents to the third and fourth generations.
Take a moment and think about the generational curses that have run in your family that have only hurt your relationships: Anger? Negativity? Conditional Love? Depression? Insecurity? Addictive Personality? Etc…
This line of unhealthy behavior has gone down the family line from generation to generation and there hasn’t been any previous success in stopping it. But now that you know something about it, you can begin the process to break the cycle!
I have seen firsthand how I have picked up the same bad habits and toxic behavior from my own parents. Habits and behaviors that I said I would never have. But this realization has been a catalyst for me in making a commitment to break the cycle in my family and in my life.
Now is the time to break the cycle! How do you start? One of the ways is by saying a simple prayer in asking God to reveal to you what your unhealthy habits and behaviors are. God will then reveal to you where you can begin the healing. And from there you can begin the process of breaking the cycle in your life, in your relationships and in your family. Keala
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