A Loud and Clear Call
I have heard your sermons on Relationships. Thank you for letting God use you. I had to apologize to a guy right after listening to your sermon for pulling out his affections.
I enjoyed your sermon “Deliver Us from Evil Expectations” this morning. It is very pertinent to us at this time. God bless you and in family life ministries.
We’ve never met but I’ve heard a few of your sermons and I wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed them. I just listened to “Relying Wholly Upon Our Savior” this morning and it was truly humbling and a message I especially needed to hear. May God continue to use you to do His work!
Your sermons have had far reaching effects! 🙂 We just had a Bible study with a couple that was touched by your message last weekend! Their marriage was on the brink of divorce, but now they are reconciling things. Thank you for the blessings.
It was an amazing blessing to hear your testimony at America’s Idols. It’s like something you would read in the Old Testament, of God sending a test of faith and bringing you victorious in the end! God bless you!
Your message, “Bring Back the Glory” has been a blessing to me each time I have listened to it. The message has humbled and broken my heart two times in the past 7 days. I believe that your message was so Holy Spirit inspired that if YOU were to listen to it as someone other than yourself, you would have been instructed by your own sermon. Let me know how we can support this amazing family life ministries.
It was a real blessings to spend time with you. We’ve experienced the Holy spirit at work first hand. And I truly see the Lord preparing you for some Divine work ahead. Most of the conversation back was of how all of us were blessed by you, and of how we all agreed that the Holy Spirit is really working through you and in you! God bless and be with you my dear brother.
I wanted to thank you for all the ministry that you’ve done. It’s been a real blessing to me. I’ve really been falling in love with God and accepting God’s love for me in my heart in a deeper way. I am so thankful for that. I’ve recently had a breakthrough in my relationship with my earthly dad, where I’ve confronted him and forgiven him of all the times he’s hurt me. It’s been very healing and I just wanted to thank you for planting those seeds in your sermons and talks. I also wanted to tell you that I have a boyfriend now and he is a fan of yours. He was raised in the Church, but it was at GYC Southwest in Loma Linda Academy, that he committed his heart to God from one of your seminars. He wanted me to tell you that he really appreciated your message and that it changed his life.
I can’t say enough how I appreciate your sermons on ”Relationships God’s way”…I have listened to 6 of the 12. I especially loved “Wounded Hearts Restored”, because that is what I’m going through now after a break up with my boyfriend of 5 years. It hurts terribly, but as He says in His Word, that His blessing makes one rich and He adds no sorrow to it. I cling onto His Word and His promises, which are Yea! and Amen! I’m grateful that your experiences are teaching me a lesson…and it’s no coincidence! I’m being equipped to guide someone else in the same route…how mighty is our Father! His mercies endure forever and He is good all the time. I love Him with all my heart and my desire is to serve Him everyday of my life. Keep strong and faithful…your best days are ahead of you. Blessings!
I just listened to your sermon entitled “Finding Your Soul Mate”. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I am 28 years old and have reached the point in which I want only what God desires for my life. If God desires that I remain single, I pray that I will gladly accept and praise Him; for He knows what is best. Thank you very much for allowing God to speak through you.
I have recently listeaned to your series of sermons on relationships. It has been an insightful, difficult, encouraging; and soul-searching journey. I want to express my gratitude for what you do in family life ministries. Praise the Lord for your ministry!
Eddie Lee
I have been listening to your sermons all week…I can say that your sermons are definitely inspired…I agree with you that we really do not have enough people who are helping young people (or old for that matter) with sexual addictions and sexual issues. Nobody really wants to talk about it. And RARELY do we hear preaching or witnessing about holy marriages. We need more of this. Keep preaching it loud and clear!
I am really blessed by your series on Relationships and have been telling all of my friends about the series. My only drawback is that I wish I had known these things before I got married some 20 years ago, for now I am divorced. But If I can share what you have shared with others contemplating marriage, hopefully, they will be blessed and have a better head start than what I had. Continue to let the Lord use you and please let me know whenever you are doing another series of any kind.
I’ve been a missionary here in Korea for almost 4 years now and I have listened to your sermons on relationships and they have really helped me. I grew up in a broken home. And part of the baggage is my emotional instability. But as I realize this, I know that I just need to know about God and HIS plan for me. Through listening to your sermons, it has given me security; emotionally and mostly spiritually… I am glad of how GOD has been really using your messages to the many young people around the world. If young people would just hear your counsel, they would really be saved from many of life’s heartaches, and become effective individuals; living out what GOD has planned for their lives. I am now sharing your sermons with my missionary friends, and it is leading them to God’s plan for them in their relationships, too. Many young Filipino missionaries in Korea are blessed! Thank you so much… May God bless your ministry more…Am keeping your ministry in my prayers.
I just listened to one of your sermons on sexual integrity for men, and then ended up listening to all 12 of your sermons on relationships. Thank you so much for your focus on restoring our families. I really believe God is using you to get this message out to our churches. Thank you for being willing to talk straight on these issues, and not worry about being politically correct or preaching smooth things. I can’t wait to share all 12 messages I downloaded with my wife and children. Thank you for letting God lead you to confront these issues that are destroying our homes, and our young people. May God bless and protect you and your family. I plan to share your messages with anyone I can get to listen, and am praying that perhaps our youth leader will be able to share them with our youth group of which my two children are members. Thank you! Bryan Update: Thanks again for your messages. We have been through almost the entire series with our kids, 17 and 14, and they have really been a blessing. We appreciate your directness to cover the difficult issues which we all face in the culture we live in, and the way you remind us that all things are possible with God. And that in His power we can live pure lives, and have the families and relationships that God has planned for us that will be the most effective light to the world. May God bless you and your family.